

mercredi 2 avril 2014

Oops, the folder doesn't exist, try again...


Yesterday, I was frustrated. It has been years since I started playing Go on Wbaduk, Tygem and other asians servers. And during those years, I had to cope with the "Fonts" issue, which displayed asian characters as ?./..%¨£µ%%.

So I decided to change that, found some apparently good tutos on the internet to change my computer language and activates asian fonts so that it would recognize them on tygem. And I did manage to change the fonts. After that, my computer asked "Please reboot to apply the changes". Alriiiight" I thought.

During the reboot, I was asked my password, as usual. But it didn't match, as I had switched my "natural" computer language to chinese. So I used the virtual french keyboard. Fail also. After a few (a dozen in fact) attempts, I capitulated and had to format my damn Windows.

I lost all my datas. And spent all night and today until now, trying to retrieve them on various websites.
( ~400,000 sgf / 500 e-books and dozens of gigabytes of videos)

As I write those lines, I probably retrieved about half of what I've lost. And this is so time-consuming that I won't have enough free time today for a complete review.

So instead, I thought I'd share with you a list of good video go lectures that you will likely enjoy watching in the meantime. It's quite easy to share (it was written a few months ago for my go friends on FB) and less time-consuming.

Here it is, pick the one you think would help you most and enjoy ! They are among the best live teachers you can find in videos, especially Nick Sibicky for whom I have the most utter respect, his quality of teaching being so AMAZING !

See you here tomorrow for a great commented game ! I'll be back on the tracks by then.
(I'm sorry I didn't have time to link them correctly yet, you have to copy/paste the links manually into your browser)

 Nick Sibicky's :

#1 Game Review 5k
#2 Game Review 4k
#3 Game Review - Part 1
#4 Game Review - Part 2
#5 Game Review 3k
#6 Must-know Joseki 4*4
#7 Invasions - Part 1
     Invasions - Part 2
#8 Game Review 8k
#9 Lee Sedol's ladder game-  Part 1
     Lee Sedol's ladder game - Part 2
     Lee Sedol's ladder game - Part 3
#10 Fuseki - Part 1
       Fuseki - Part 2
       Fuseki - Part 3
       Fuseki - Part 4
#11 Attachments - Part 1
       Attachments - Part 2
       Attachments - Part 3
#12 Monkey Jump & Double Hane - Part 1
       Monkey Jump & Double Hane - Part 2
#13 Game Review 18k
#15 One life to live
#16 5*4 Josekis
#17 3 stones game review
#18 More game reviews
#19 Opening Workshop
#20 Must Know 3*4 High approach Josekis.
#21 Must know 3*4 Low approach Josekis
#22 Must Know 5*3 Josekis (including Taisha)
#23 Utilizing Thickness
#24 Lessons from a 7p
#25 Battle of the Dans.
#26 Invasions Part 1
#27 Invasions Part 2
#28 What I really like about Go
#29 More lessons from a 7p
#30 More game Reviews
#31 Endgame Tesuji Workshop
#32 W-team vs B-team
#33 The Good, The Bad, The Ugly (shapes) - Part 1
#34 The Good, The Bad, The Ugly (shapes) - Part 2
#35 Responses to 4*4 low approach
#36 Attack !
#37 Special Guest : Narumi Osawa 4p
#38 Fujisawa Shuko
#39 The most famous move
#40 Game Reviews
#41 Big vs Urgent
#42 Traditional Opening theory
#43 Entering the middle game.
#44 Bent4, 10k year -ko, carpenter's square
#45 Nick Sibicky Go NON-Lecture - A New Game?
#46 Dan level showdown
#47 Fighting
#48 Invasions and reductions
#49 3*4 joseki low approach
#50 Team vs Team
#51 Goos shape workshop
#52 Where to play in the opening
#53 Opening workshop
#54 9p - Lee Chang Ho vs Chang Hao

Joshua Lee's :

#1 Attacking weak stones
#2 3*3 invasion
#3 Whole board thinking
#4 Game Review 5k vs 4k
#5 Refuting trickplays
#6 Double Approach
#7 Basics of endgame - Part 1
#8 Counting in endgame - Part 2
#9 3*4 formation invasions
#10 Double Hane
#11 Playing Handicap Go
#12 After Joseki
#13 Advanced yose
#14 Estimating territory
#15 Midgame Fighting Techniques
#16 New opening Moves
#17 Lee Sedol vs Lee Chang Ho LG Cup 2003 - Review
#18 Common Tesuji
#19 Choosing Fuseki

tokinonagare27's : (all are Shusaku games Reviews)

#1 vs Ito Showa - Part 1
     vs Ito Showa - Part 2
     vs Ito Showa - Part 3
     vs Ito Showa - Part 4
     vs Ito Showa - Part 5
#2 vs Honinbo Shuwa - Part 1
     vs Honinbo Shuwa - Part 2
     vs Honinbo Shuwa - Part 3
#3 vs Honinbo Shuwa - Part 1
     vs Honinbo Shuwa - Part 2
     vs Honinbo Shuwa - Part 3
     vs Honinbo Shuwa - Part 4
#4 vs Ota Yuzo
#5 vs Ota Yuzo
#6 vs Ota Yuzo
#7 vs Yasui Sanchi
#8 vs Kadono Tadazaemon
#9 vs Kishimoto Saichiro
#10 vs Mizutani Junsaku
#11 vs Ito Showa
#12 vs Ito Showa
#13 vs Ito Showa
#14 vs Gennan Inseki, 2-stones handicap
#15 vs Gennan Inseki, ear-reddening game
#16 vs Gennan Inseki, Game 3
#17 vs Gennan Inseki, Game 5
#18 vs Honinbo Shuwa
#19 vs Jowa
#20 vs Takegawa Yasaburo
#21 vs Yasui Sanchi
#22 vs Honinbo Shuwa
#23 vs Yasui Sanchi
#24 vs Ota Yuzo
#25 vs Ota Yuzo
#26 vs Yasui Sanchi, Castle Game N°1
#27 vs Sakaguchi Sentoku, Castel Game N°2
#28 vs Sakaguchi Sentoku, Castle Game N°3
#29 vs Ito Showa, Castle Game N°4
#30 vs Sekiyama Sendaiu
#31 vs Sekiyama Sendaiu
#32 vs Sekiyama Sendaiu
#33 vs Sekiyama Sendaiu

4 commentaires:

  1. Wow ! With this much link, i won't run out of go ressouces in the next months/year ; Thanks !

    I'm sorry for your files. And i guess you didn't have another one when the problem occured, otherwise, you could have used a method like this one :

    I suggest to burn a live cd in order to be ready next time this kind of thing happens ;)

    (ubuntu is not required, but its one of the simplest distro to use for a windows user. Also, if you run into trouble, this allows you to get internet even if you are unable to acces your hard drive (although it is very slow due to all data being read from the cd))

  2. Oops did just reread previous post: i meant "[...]. And i guess you didn't have another computer when the problem [...]" instead of "[...]. And i guess you didn't have another one when the problem [...]"

    Sorry for the spam :s

  3. I used to have Ubuntu installed, but then had to change for a new computer. But Windows 8 sort of prevents any user from uninstalling their system for a new one (they implemented the UEFi stuff, which needs to be disabled for any other platform CD to boot) Due to this, I haven't switched back to my old habits since. (and due to circumstances of last night, I will certainly take time doing so in the upcoming days...) Anywaaaaay : I managed to retrieve all my datas.

    I had shared of them on forums (fortunately, links were still active) and had a few my "rare" materials saved on a personal ftp. The only things that I still need to find back are
    - the old go books (I know where to find them, but it takes a while, because it's in japanese, and I have to compare their names one by one on senseis library)
    - The unusual games (involving triple, quadruple, quintuple ko, whole board seki,). In total, more than a hundred of those. I also know where they can be found, but same, it also take a while (pick one here, one other there... and do it again)
    In conclusion to this "bad fortune event", I might share some of those by the end of the week. They are not my property and, being not copyrighted, they belong to the community more than to a person alone. That would spare me the troubles, in case I lose all my datas again.
    All those datas can obviously be found on the web, but, some of them are really hard to find (I've been collecting them since the early 2000) and can't be found anymore (dead websites?), it would be a shame if they got lost once and for all.., so...

  4. Ah yes, creating live key for UEFI is possible, but it is still a bit of a hassle. I did never tried it with ubuntu though (only with archlinux).
    SecureBoot on the other hand can be much trickier since some constructor won't allow you to disable it nor have mutiple keys (even if you can disable its enforcement in windows 8). It really is motherboard specific...

    Hope you recover (your datas) quickly !
