

vendredi 18 avril 2014

Amateur vs Pro : How stronger are they ?

Hi !

I'm glad to publish THIS post today. I had the chance, last night, to witness one of the best games I've ever watched. Amazing, thrilling...It shook me, really.

Black player is a professionnal ( yuiko(P) on tygem) and white is probably a strong amateur (gogogo6).
The game is a tesuji festival. By both. But yukio's moves are extremely sharp and so was her reading.

Yes, her reading, it's a she. I've heard a lot that "women can't match men" and "that's why they have a specific Meijin" and all. Maybe. But I don't share this opinion.

I made a little of research, in fact, quite exhaustively - I checked every pro pictures from the Kansai Ki In and Nihon Ki In websites, to find out who she is - but I didn't find her. There is no "Yuki" or "Yukio" on either of those websites, and the picture she uses on tygem doesn't match any of those that I could see on the websites either.

What amazed me in this game, is not exactly the sharpness of the moves played, rather than the time used to spot them. All of those sharp and severe moves were played in less than 2 seconds. The second half of the game is played during byoyomi, 30s/move, but yukio never used more than a few seconds to play her brilliant tesujis. As a result, despite great fights, the amateur player is completely outmatched.

I tried to made a fully detailled review, so you will see - there are more variations than I would usually share.

Enjoy the game !


6 commentaires:

  1. Thanks, Pericles.
    That was great !

  2. Great review! Could you extrapolate on why it is considered a bit slow at the moment to play C3? I is because white kinda would have to play around C9 / C10 later? Or because of black N3, I think I saw a lecture on a move like N3 once, but white D6 was at C6. Not sure if it would make a difference though.

  3. I can try to answer. As far as I know, there's no documentation (yet) about this tenuki-trend. From my understanding and experience, tenuki-ing from this 4*4 low approach could be a matter of "wasted opportunities", as in - white prefers to leave the position as it stands, and decide later what move he will use to block the slide. Eiher a sansan, or another joseki, as a pincer at G3 / H3. The choice, so early, is certainly not an easy one to make. That could be one of the reason to leave it as it is.
    About N3 : it is, in my opinion the same principle as with a pincer. (bottom matters more than left side, or is urgent to invade / reduce). It's kind of the same idea "wait and see what to play, accordingly to your needs")

    Another also, you may be right, could be because white needs c10 to complete the frame in "good shape". Of course it's not necessary. A bit like a shimari with his wing (no real obligation to play the wing, but still a great move to play, shape-wise)
    In terms of theory, approaching corners prevails. That could explain why white approaches another corner, as well.

    But as said, this is just my personal analysis. I can be wrong or some "reasons" could be missing. If anyone has detailled analysis about it, I'd happily read :)


  4. Ah okay, I understand it better now, it makes sense that it is hard to make such a choice so early. @N3, I was talking about this,7 but it doesn't work when white played high / D6

  5. Don`t know how this was happening, but i never really realized that your blog is existing! Very great that i finally found out about it, will read it from now on regular!
    Thank you.

  6. Wow... Just wow... What an incredible game to show the incredible difference in reading ability... To spot all those tesujis instantly.... Brilliant... Just brilliant...
