Hello Go-maniacs.
The following game was played yesterday. It's 2nd Round of the 4th Merchants Property Cup. And I'm sure you want to read more about this unfamous tournament - Click the link.
It's opposing Fan Tingyu, 9p - 18 yo and Na Hyun 3p - 19 yo. Fan Tingyu is pretty famous already. He made it from 3 to 9p in just one blow, by winning the Ing Cup 3-1 against Park Junghwan.
Fan Tingyu is certainly more famous, as he won many titles already. But that's not all. For all of you who are regulars on Tygem, there are rumors that Fan Tingyu plays under the name "ddcg".
In the game, here, he was completely outmatched and resigned at move 153 without a single fight happening. At the end, Na Hyun is about 10/12 points ahead, when they reach small endgame stage. Uncatchable - in one word.
By experience - I'm sure other players can confirm - it's very difficult to keep such a "big" lead without fighting at all. At their level, especially.
There are a few things worth remembering from that game. First, pay attention to how Black used his stones in the upper side, as a lure (using sente-looking moves to force white to capture them, and then play larger moves)
Also, pay attention to white's patience. (obviously a little too much), and attention to how he started the reduction in center. I hope you will enjoy it, as much as I did.
Fan Tingyu : 18yo
Rank : 9p
More games of this player can be found here, and there
Fan Tingyu : 18yo
Rank : 9p
More games of this player can be found here, and there
Also, a very detailled article about Fan's games at the Ing Cup.

Na Hyun : 19yo
Rank : 3p
More games here, and there

Na Hyun : 19yo
Rank : 3p
More games here, and there
PW[Fan Tingyu]PB[Na Hyun]WR[9P]BR[3P]DT[2014-03-23]EV[4th Merchants Property Cup, round 2]RE[B+Resign]
;W[on]C[Not a very common joseki anymore.]
;B[qp]LB[qi:B][qo:A]C[If white blocks at A, black will answer at B, a perfect extension from the top and a good pressure move.
As white has no good answer to black R4, he plays patiently, tenuki, and will come back to this area later.]
;B[pm]TR[de][cf]C[Black still thinks, strengthening this right side good was important. Hence he pushes throurh white's shape.
About the black two stones in the top left ? Treat lightly.]
;B[ol]C[Black takes the global initiative.]
(;B[rn]SQ[ok][ol]C[The marked stones have served heir purpose (cut). White has two weak groups, so black takes the time to connect.]
;W[qf]C[White settles, while trying to deny black his own base.]
;W[rc]LB[qc:B][rd:A]C[A very beautiful tesuji. (connects both side)]
;W[rd]LB[lc:A]TR[qc][nd][qd][pe]SQ[pl][on][po]C[The top shape is similar to the one we saw on the right earlier. Note that A is a very big move here again.]
;B[ln]LB[ln:A]C[Black decides to ignore top to take the other big move at. It certainly is worth lot of points (assuming he keeps hem captured)]
;W[qb]C[White doesn't react against white's move at top. Why ?
Preventing white's stones from connection does no good (see Var.)]
(;B[fq]C[He enlarges the bottom instead.]
;B[df]LB[fc:A][cj:B]C[And finally protects his cut, expecting white A, so that he can play B himself. (good shape on left side)]
(;W[hq]C[White finds more urgent to reduce bottom rather than just defend.]
;W[dr]LB[hq:A]TR[fc][cj][dr]C[Note : This exchange is the very same as in the variation earlier.
The (big) difference is that white already has a step in at A.]
;B[hp]TR[mi][ni][oj][mk][ok][ol][hp][jq]C[Black tries to optimize his potential in the center, with a contact move at H4.]
;W[pb]C[White attacks the weakest group on the board. (and takes easy points in the corner)]
(;W[cl]LB[me:A][lf:2][mh:1]TR[lh][ki][jj][ik][hl][gm][fn]C[Why not cut at A, I can hear you say ?
Because black got 2 free moves in the center, which threatens to make huge points.
If we consider this potential border : black may expect 75 / 80 points at bottom
White may expect : 18 in lower left, 15 in top left, and 23 on the right : 56 points overall.
That would be "only" about 25 points to reduce in center, which he seems confident to make.]
;B[oe]LB[nd:A]TR[hk][gl][gm][hn][gp]C[The game goes smoothly.
And we see now clearly that black has a big lead.
He managed to rescue his A group, and also got the opportunity to seal once and for all, the center / bottom.]
;B[ak]C[White resigns.
With a quick counting I get :
White (top right) : 27 (top left) 35 (bottom left )19 ---> Total 81 points :
Black : 93
Even with the komi and captures, it is uncatchable.])
(;W[me]TR[qc][nd][qd][pe]C[If white cuts, he is forced to capture them.]
;W[md]LB[md:B][le:A][fn:C]C[The A / B exchange would still be better for black. And he gets sente for a move around C]
;B[fn]LB[le:A][fn:B]TR[ke][jf][kf][ig][ih][ii][hj][hk][gl][gm][go][ip][jq][jr][js]C[Here let's have a quick counting again :
White (top right) : 36 Bottom left : 18 Top Left : 15 (overall : 69pts)
Black : 94 + some on the left (100+)
So, to put it all up easy : Black gained : 20 points + / White gained 20 points.
Equal ? not really. Black had time to play both A and B, which makes any reduction extremely difficult now.]))
;B[cj]TR[hq]C[there is no real good move for white after that. If he attacks at H3, black can jump to the corner]
(;W[dr]C[If he defends corner somehow, black can jump out, and make the bottom even more solid.
Having the initiative would be too good for black here. It's an unbearable pattern for white.])))
;W[lc]C[Black can still be easily attacked.]))
(;B[mm]LB[rn:A]C[If black tries "too hard", ignoring his own safety, white can connect his stones.]
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