
lundi 31 mars 2014
Commented Game - 10th Price Information Cup - Dragons do die !
As explained yesterday, the prelims for the 10th Price Information Cup were played yesterday. A few games were relayed live on Tygem.
The game I chose to present today was played by Jin Siyoung (aka Chen Shiying) 5p, versus Ryu Suhang (among other names) 3p.
There is very little infomation available on those 2 players. (in english, at least)
It was a pretty interesting game anyway. Fighting from the very start with the micro chinese fuseki. You can read more about this particular fuseki on 9p Cho Hye Yeon's blog.
You can also find some interesting thoughts about it on senseis.
Hope you'll enjoy the review !
dimanche 30 mars 2014
What comes next ?
Hola !
No "jubango" game review for today. It was truly a complicated game. When I went to sleep, after white messed up the lower right area, and tried some sequence in the top right, I thought there was no way he could win the game. But he did, and that was an impressive comeback I must say. Half of the board was totally destroyed by their fighting manoeuvers. Some pros commented on this game, you can replay a 6hours long audio review on gokgs (under the KGS Plus Menu > recent lectures).
If you understand chinese (or are fine with just watching them play variations), you can also watch a complete analysis of the game on Youtube.
Current score : Gu Li vs Lee Sedol (1 / 2)
Also, another short video below :
After this major event, you are certainly "What comes next ?"
Those do :
6th Haifeng Cup : quarterfinals : 31/03
---> Lin Shuyang 7d vs Wang Yuanjun 7d
---> Liu Yaowen 5d vs Yang Bowei 3d
---> Xiao Zhenghao 8d vs Hei Jiajia 6d
---> Chen Shiyuan 9d vs Lin Lixiang 6d
10th Prices Information Cup : Prelims : 31/03
26th Mingren (Meijin) : 1/04 : Prelims
13 Tianyuan : Prelims : starting 1/04
13 Tianyuan : Prelims : starting 1/04
11th Chanqi Cup : 1st Round : 2/04
19th GS Caltex Cup : Semifinals : 4/04
---> Choi Cheolhan 9d vs Park Junghwan 9d
---> Mok Jinseok 9dvs Kim Jiseok 9d
14th RICOH Cup : Finals : 12/04
---> Lian Xiao 7d vs Wu Guangya 5d
19th GS Caltex Cup : Semifinals : 4/04
---> Choi Cheolhan 9d vs Park Junghwan 9d
---> Mok Jinseok 9dvs Kim Jiseok 9d
14th RICOH Cup : Finals : 12/04
---> Lian Xiao 7d vs Wu Guangya 5d
As you can see, the season of prelims have started. As always, we can expect some particularly strong players among the freshly-promoted professinonals players, especially Bai Baoxiang (1p) who is recognized as one of the chinese top players already, but he certainly won't be the only one that top pros should be taken seriously.
We'll see soon enough !
As you saw above, there will be some prelims today, I hope to find some particularly interesting games to review them. Just have to wait a few more hours.
Fore further informations about the pairings and the previous years' results, have a look at this page
samedi 29 mars 2014
The "Might" syndrome.
Hello !
Last night, on KGS, I was somewhat bored. So I opened a few games, kind of randomly. Precisly, I opened the first 20 games I came across played by 3k --> 9k players, and thought I'd make a quick list of the basic issues that I could see.
I suppose I was a bit over-confident when I decided to make it "quick". Most games I opened were masterpieces. Masterpiece of bad shapes, greed, jealousy and the list goes long. I think most players below 10k and willing to reach dan level will be interested in knowing why "they can't break the 8k bar or the 3k bar". This is the whole point of this post.
Believe it or not, the basic "fundamental" mistakes were most always happening in the 3k games. Maybe the 9k's know the road to shodan is still long enough and are ready to struggle to reach it. The 3k's, on the contrary, know they are not so far away from it. That it can be made in a few months. They are impatient.
They don't protetct cuts (they think they are strong enough to cope with them ?), they over-extend (they think they can kill an invader ?) They play upfront of an opponent's wall. (they think they will survive somehow?) I will call this the "might syndrome". The 3k players know they learnt some stuff, they know their reading improved. And that's right. I've seen many times, 3k players play dan-like fights. But they are rare.
The 9k's, however, are still at the times they HAVE to think about their moves, because it hasn't become a reflex yet. They try their best. and the 3k's seem to not pay attention anymore.
The SGF I am sharing below is a short summary of what I encountered yesterday. They are all real-games examples, and are all taken from 3k games, specifically. Basically, I made it like this Issue#1, Issue #2 and so on, along with a "What a dan would play instead"
The list is obviously non-exhaustive and doesn't have as purpose to show how "bad" moves you play, but rather to make you understand why you are stuck and how to overcome that. Take note that the "dan-like" play as shown in the alternative variations are always simple. Simpler than what you play, that is. Reaching simplicity is a long way, but I'm convinced that paying more attention will certainly pay off for most SDK players.
EDIT : You will notice I am trying another sgf-reader. I liked the idea to have the comments right in front of the board to avoid scrolling. Also I find it easier to browse variations with the new reader. Any feedback about it would be much appreciated :) If the majority likes it, I will change the sgf-reader in the old posts too :)
EDIT : You will notice I am trying another sgf-reader. I liked the idea to have the comments right in front of the board to avoid scrolling. Also I find it easier to browse variations with the new reader. Any feedback about it would be much appreciated :) If the majority likes it, I will change the sgf-reader in the old posts too :)
vendredi 28 mars 2014
Gu Li, back on his feet, for the upcoming Jubango game !
Hello addicts !
This night, Lee Sedol and Gu Li were paired to play a game in The Chunlan Cup (Round 2). This game was just GREAT. We can see clearly that Gu Li, despite his two previous losses in the Jubango Games, is still stronger as ever. As always, the two of them went into fighting very early in the game, trading big dragons and killing each other. I reviewed the following game in KGS Teaching Ladder with many kyu players attending, a few dan players sharing their (helpful) insights. So, credits should be credited to all who helped and contributed making this live commentary.
And that's not all. I have good links to share today. Pictures, as often. And videos ! I also found a short interview by Fan Hui, 2p, about the Go situation in France / Europe. I will translate and share as soon as I can. And of course, the results of this round AND the pairings for the quarterfinals.
Enjoy :)
Results Round 2 :
古力(中) VS 李世石(韩) : Gu Li vs Lee Sedol --- Lee Sedol resigned at the last dame. (losing by 0,5)
唐韦星(中) VS 朴廷桓(韩) Tang Weixing vs Park Junghwan -- Tang Weixing resigned at move 224
芈昱廷(中) VS 崔哲瀚(韩) Mi Yuting vs Choe Cheolhan ---> Choe Cheolhan resigned at move 223.
柁嘉熹(中) VS 金志锡(韩) Tuo Jiaxi vs Kim Jiseok --- Tuo Jiaxi resigned at move 164 (after losing a 30-stones dragon)
陈耀烨(中) VS 河野临(日) Chen Yaoye vs Kono Rin --- Kono Rin resigned at move 224.
时越(中) VS 村川大介(日) Shi Yue vs Murakawa Daisuke -- Murakawa resigned at move 177 (behind by around 15pts)
周睿羊(中) VS 井山裕太(日) Zhou Ruiyang vs Iyama Yuta ---> Iyama Yuta resigned at move 153. (An utter massacre !...)
江维杰(中) VS 张栩(日) Jiang Weiji vs Cho U - Jiang Weijji resigned at move 212. (losing by about komi)
Quarterfinals : (end of 2014)
古力(中) VS 张栩(日) Gu Li vs Cho U
陈耀烨(中) VS 朴廷桓(韩) Chen Yaoye vs Park Junghwan
芈昱廷(中) VS 金志锡(韩) Mi Yuting vs Kim Jiseok
时越(中) VS 周睿羊(中) Shi Yue vs Zhou Ruiyang
The Video :
(Pro players reviewing Lee Sedol vs Gu Li !! published on Youtube one hour ago, you'll be the first to watch it !)
For more videos, follow this link (on the right side of the page)
The pictures of 2nd round can be found here (click)
For the previous games of the Jubango, click here, and there (The Third one will be relayed live on KGS this week end, don't miss it ! )
And the game, reviewed in KTL : (I cleaned it a bit, deleting some branchs or comments non-related to the game)
This night, Lee Sedol and Gu Li were paired to play a game in The Chunlan Cup (Round 2). This game was just GREAT. We can see clearly that Gu Li, despite his two previous losses in the Jubango Games, is still stronger as ever. As always, the two of them went into fighting very early in the game, trading big dragons and killing each other. I reviewed the following game in KGS Teaching Ladder with many kyu players attending, a few dan players sharing their (helpful) insights. So, credits should be credited to all who helped and contributed making this live commentary.
And that's not all. I have good links to share today. Pictures, as often. And videos ! I also found a short interview by Fan Hui, 2p, about the Go situation in France / Europe. I will translate and share as soon as I can. And of course, the results of this round AND the pairings for the quarterfinals.
Enjoy :)
Results Round 2 :
古力(中) VS 李世石(韩) : Gu Li vs Lee Sedol --- Lee Sedol resigned at the last dame. (losing by 0,5)
唐韦星(中) VS 朴廷桓(韩) Tang Weixing vs Park Junghwan -- Tang Weixing resigned at move 224
芈昱廷(中) VS 崔哲瀚(韩) Mi Yuting vs Choe Cheolhan ---> Choe Cheolhan resigned at move 223.
柁嘉熹(中) VS 金志锡(韩) Tuo Jiaxi vs Kim Jiseok --- Tuo Jiaxi resigned at move 164 (after losing a 30-stones dragon)
陈耀烨(中) VS 河野临(日) Chen Yaoye vs Kono Rin --- Kono Rin resigned at move 224.
时越(中) VS 村川大介(日) Shi Yue vs Murakawa Daisuke -- Murakawa resigned at move 177 (behind by around 15pts)
周睿羊(中) VS 井山裕太(日) Zhou Ruiyang vs Iyama Yuta ---> Iyama Yuta resigned at move 153. (An utter massacre !...)
江维杰(中) VS 张栩(日) Jiang Weiji vs Cho U - Jiang Weijji resigned at move 212. (losing by about komi)
Quarterfinals : (end of 2014)
古力(中) VS 张栩(日) Gu Li vs Cho U
陈耀烨(中) VS 朴廷桓(韩) Chen Yaoye vs Park Junghwan
芈昱廷(中) VS 金志锡(韩) Mi Yuting vs Kim Jiseok
时越(中) VS 周睿羊(中) Shi Yue vs Zhou Ruiyang
The Video :
(Pro players reviewing Lee Sedol vs Gu Li !! published on Youtube one hour ago, you'll be the first to watch it !)
For more videos, follow this link (on the right side of the page)
The pictures of 2nd round can be found here (click)
For the previous games of the Jubango, click here, and there (The Third one will be relayed live on KGS this week end, don't miss it ! )
And the game, reviewed in KTL : (I cleaned it a bit, deleting some branchs or comments non-related to the game)
GN[Chunlan Cup - 16 players knock-out Round.]PW[Lee Sedol]PB[Gu LI]DT[2014-03-28]PC[The KGS Go Server at]C[Pericles [5d\]: first, i'm goig to show the game without stopping a first time, so you can see the global flow
(;B[fq]C[Pericles [5d\]: if you have any question about direction, please ask (even ddks)
EachOne [10k\]: what if white respond in top
;W[dn]LB[jd:A][pj:C][jp:B]SQ[cf][dn]C[Pericles [5d\]: black is trying to optimize his possibilities
Pericles [5d\]: he has 3 good choices
troll [2d\]: pericles, whats the difference between A and B?
Pericles [5d\]: the only difference is the height of those white moves, so, basically, D6 counters influence better
Pericles [5d\]: so, imo, it's not as easy for b to play k4 (influence move) as to play A
;B[pj]LB[jd:A][jp:B]C[Pericles [5d\]: keeping A and B as miai
troll [2d\]: A holds more potential, so break it up first?
Rzaki0Pak [4k\]: gu li is an agressive player, isn't he?
EachOne [10k\]: yeah, he plays to kill, always
troll [2d\]: A holds more potential, so break it up first?]
;W[nc]LB[nd:C][pf:A][qf:B]C[troll [2d\]: with b f17 and q10 stone in place, cant jump out, cant double approach, only corner left as a choice
Pericles [5d\]: nobody would play A or B instead of a pincer ?
troll [2d\]: I might play A
EachOne [10k\]: Q10 is here, and as F17 support
LinuxGooo [16k\]: I might play A, too with the hope to extend then to Q12
Rzaki0Pak [4k\]: i would play C and hoping for sente to play j17]
Pericles [5d\]: black pincers, it's a natural move
Pericles [5d\]: who would have extended on right side instead ? (see variations)
;W[qc]C[Pericles [5d\]: white jumps to sansan
StlenVlr [3d\]: Anyhow, each of those variations were pretty nice for W
troll [2d\]: with q10 in place easy choice for direction now
(;B[qd]C[Pericles [5d\]: black blocked this side, still consistent with Q10
EachOne [10k\]: the wall work better with Q10
StlenVlr [3d\]: I have alternative explanation for why R16 instead of Q17
StlenVlr [3d\]: Basically, the reason is that, if you go Q17 path, B has two separate moyos built. One facing the the left at top, from F17 to Q17, and another from Q10 downwards
(;W[nd]C[LinuxGooo [16k\]: O16 is for later to move to center, right ?
Pericles [5d\]: the top joseki is unusual, but not so rare
(;B[mb]C[Pericles [5d\]: anyway, this move ? any thoughts upon it ? :)
;W[ne]C[rats [1d?\]: it may be a bit out of style these days
bouteille [8k\]: thanks
Rzaki0Pak [4k\]: it is good for kyu player to play that n18, or this's to hard move for me to understand it? : >
Rzaki0Pak [4k\]: it look interesting
Pericles [5d\]: n18 is hard to play, in my opinion
LinuxGooo [16k\]: maybe GuLI wanted teach low kyus with that game *laugh*
(;B[rc]TR[nc][nd][ne]C[Pericles [5d\]: the reason why N18 is supposed to be bad, is that it is extremely difficult to attack white efficiently
bouteille [8k\]: this 3 white stones destroy the san ren sei
;B[pg]C[troll [2d\]: stlen, you were right, there is no good move for o15
(;W[nq]LB[jc:A]TR[nc][nd][ne]C[troll [2d\]: so here, the weird part, how can w just leaves the o15 stones there?
Pericles [5d\]: the question is "what was the purpose of those white moves", did white accomplish what he meant to ?
Pericles [5d\]: the aim of white at top, will be to reduce later, and / or attack the black stones at top if he can
Pericles [5d\]: but if he does it too early, he will just have to run with a heavy group
;B[pq]TR[nc][nd][ne]C[StlenVlr [3d\]: They are doing important job
StlenVlr [3d\]: They are keeping N18 cut
Pericles [5d\]: they'll come to use more efficiently later
Pericles [5d\]: q3 is not something you see often
troll [2d\]: q3 another freak of a move, sure joseki, but so rare
Pericles [5d\]: Q3 is a war declaration
Pericles [5d\]: black surely has those three white stones in mind
;B[mp]C[Pericles [5d\]: this is also something unusual :)
tpspoons [8k\]: Is b trying to gain strength on bottom so attack on o16 stones is more severe?
Pericles [5d\]: yes, tpsoons
(;W[np]C[Pericles [5d\]: white tries to separate
Pericles [5d\]: natural move
Pericles [5d\]: he can't just N3 (see var)
;B[kq]TR[lr]C[Pericles [5d\]: who would play M2 ?
Rzaki0Pak [4k\]: me : >
Pericles [5d\]: look at p2 :)
EachOne [10k\]: weird
;B[pn]C[Pericles [5d\]: the game is in b's favor already here
Pericles [5d\]: white has two weak groups
(;B[jo]LB[pl:A]C[Pericles [5d\]: k5 is very calm move
Pericles [5d\]: k5 means " I'm strong to attack"
Pericles [5d\]: black is confident white can't play at A with such a weak group
Pericles [5d\]: white makes his group more flexible
;B[rp]C[troll [2d\]: s4 hard move to play, have to have faith that the w group remains weak enuf
Pericles [5d\]: in a teaching game, I would say " S4 is very big, but it's endgame"
Pericles [5d\]: and Gu Li knows that too
Pericles [5d\]: but still, he protects the atari
Pericles [5d\]: another showing of his will to kill
troll [2d\]: well, it does ensure w not unconditionally alive yet
StlenVlr [3d\]: W would live without S4, and right now the point of this board is that O7 has to run toward O15
;B[le]C[Pericles [5d\]: finally black takes sente
tpspoons [8k\]: is black pushing the two white groups together so he can separate?
Pericles [5d\]: yes
Pericles [5d\]: he pushes just enough so that enough space remains to cut them apart
StlenVlr [3d\]: Also, M15 protects agains J17 invasion
Pericles [5d\]: right
Pericles [5d\]: black is leading big
Pericles [5d\]: white has two eyeless groups on the run
Pericles [5d\]: the move at A is obviously very sharp
troll [2d\]: o10 looks automatic, just from the perspective tht cant let w two groups connect easily
Pericles [5d\]: yes
Pericles [5d\]: natural play
Pericles [5d\]: what's the move useful for ?
Pericles [5d\]: it prepares aji in the corner
;B[lm]LB[ji:B][hn:C][mo:A]C[Pericles [5d\]: black is violent here
Pericles [5d\]: he got cut, and yet, he keeps attacking
Pericles [5d\]: threatening to cut at A
Pericles [5d\]: threatening to play B
Pericles [5d\]: and threatening to play C
;W[qn]C[Pericles [5d\]: this combo is very impressive
Pericles [5d\]: can b connect ?
;B[mn]C[Pericles [5d\]: black seems not to care about the ko :)
;B[ln]CR[ck][bn]TR[oc][rc][od][pd][qd][re][pg][rg]SQ[nk][nl][ol][nm][on][no][np][nq][qq][mr][or][qr][rr][ps]C[KoLife [1d\]: so big trade
Pericles [5d\]: yes
Pericles [5d\]: now the focus is on left side
Pericles [5d\]: white has to attack very sharply
Pericles [5d\]: it's difficult
;W[gr]C[Pericles [5d\]: any idea about this move ?
StlenVlr [3d\]: (g2 is an useful tesuji to memorize. I sure do miss it often in my games)
StlenVlr [3d\]: The idea behind G2 is that you get E2 in sente
;W[sr]C[Rzaki0Pak [4k\]: that's weird, black was so much ahead and now he is losing
Pericles [5d\]: white killed top in exchange
;W[he]C[troll [2d\]: also, white kinda solved the issue with two weak groups
Pericles [5d\]: it threatens to kill the 3 stones by ko
Pericles [5d\]: and attacks e9 at the same time
;W[dl]TR[kj][kk][in][jn][kn][ko]C[Pericles [5d\]: it's not easy to cut black
Pericles [5d\]: because the center stones are not connected yet
Pericles [5d\]: this move is worth remembering too
;B[di]C[Pericles [5d\]: black is already semi-alive
;B[gk]TR[kj][kk][in][jn][kn][ko]C[Pericles [5d\]: he doesn't "just" live
Pericles [5d\]: he keeps attacking
Pericles [5d\]: the target is still the center stones
;B[ij]C[Pericles [5d\]: and from here, it's just endgame
Pericles [5d\]: Black + resign (w loses by 0,5)
;B[jp]LB[ho:A]C[Pericles [5d\]: maybe w just wants A sente]))
(;B[po]C[Pericles [5d\]: so here, black can't risk the whole side
;W[jq]C[Pericles [5d\]: there is problems at the bottom (many possible variations, try them out on a board)
(;B[ph]C[LinuxGooo [16k\]: a question of menthality, I would player might feel well in such situation, another not. Go is not only/purely about counting. If white want work with the centre then its stones O13-M12-P13-O7-J6 might be a good basis, right ?
Pericles [5d\]: those stones are weak, Linux
Pericles [5d\]: white is trying to make a living shape
Pericles [5d\]: I'm not sure why black played S15
troll [2d\]: greedy for points?
Pericles [5d\]: maybe
(;W[do]C[Pericles [5d\]: technically, w "could" block
nebulous [1k\]: e2
Pericles [5d\]: yes
Pericles [5d\]: e2 comes next
;B[cq]C[StlenVlr [3d\]: F2 is kinda sente though
Pericles [5d\]: later, in the late tchuban
(;B[pl]C[Pericles [5d\]: why doesn't black protect here, you think ?
;W[hq]C[White can't create another fight. Too dangerous !]
(;W[lr]C[Pericles [5d\]: if white pushes
troll [2d\]: w position will be destroyed one way or another
Pericles [5d\]: you give black two good moves
Pericles [5d\]: If b gets enough strength, the top will definitely by swallowed
(;W[jc]C[Pericles [5d\]: if he attacked immediatly
;B[le]C[Pericles [5d\]: black will just chase and make profit
Pericles [5d\]: for now, they are just a dead charge
(;B[rd]C[Pericles [5d\]: if white goes out, black can simply play the descent in sente
Pericles [5d\]: the descent is also possible but it's not as much "sente"
Pericles [5d\]: it does threaten the corner life
StlenVlr [3d\]: in KO!!!
Pericles [5d\]: but black can still descent (though no longer sente)
;W[oc]LB[me:A]TR[md]C[Pericles [5d\]: white can just defend
Pericles [5d\]: there will be a defect at A
;B[me]LB[md:A][rd:C][pf:B]C[Pericles [5d\]: there is B too
(;W[nb]C[Pericles [5d\]: logically, yes this is a joseki that is used more
;B[me]C[bouteille [8k\]: classic move
Pericles [5d\]: yes, natural joseki
Pericles [5d\]: but in this position, b looks quite scary
EachOne [10k\]: oh I see
EachOne [10k\]: huge
;W[nq]C[bouteille [8k\]: so white must R6 move now
Pericles [5d\]: more likely this side, bouteille "approach from the most open side"
(;B[pc]LB[qe:A][qf:B]TR[pj]C[Pericles [5d\]: he "can"
Pericles [5d\]: but it's generally not good to push white into the right side
Pericles [5d\]: sanrensei is supposed to be emphasizing right side, in the first place
troll [2d\]: true, I like the q10 reason, because its such an easy criteria for choosing direction, and almost always gives right result
troll [2d\]: if there is stone at q10, choose the direction that was played in the game, if no stone at q10, choose the other direction
(;B[pf]LB[pb:B][hc:A][kc:D][jd:C]C[Pericles [5d\]: say, black just "defends"
Pericles [5d\]: what happens next ? :)
troll [2d\]: h17?
EachOne [10k\]: H17
bouteille [8k\]: q18 or A
StlenVlr [3d\]: K16 would be good enough for W
troll [2d\]: l17 would be the textbook move for w I think
Rzaki0Pak [4k\]: A seems nice
LinuxGooo [16k\]: K16 is a big jump... I'd prefer D, two point jump is more solid...
(;W[pb]C[Pericles [5d\]: if white jumps into the corner
Pericles [5d\]: black will not submissively play sansan
Pericles [5d\]: so he wouldn't Q18, to avoid helping black f17
;W[kc]C[Pericles [5d\]: that is good for white, considering F17 = weak
(;B[lc]C[Pericles [5d\]: black would more likely pincer, to help F17
troll [2d\]: n17 makes nice use of f17, but looks very inconsistent with the rest of the board
troll [2d\]: black has big framework, if you play n17 as black you just give w a wall to counter that b framework
(;B[mc]C[Pericles [5d\]: this joseki results in white havining influence, not consistent with black's sanrensei, imo
troll [2d\]: n17is for taking topside points, m17 is for taking outside influence, totaly opposite
;B[lc]C[EachOne [10k\]: N17 one
bouteille [8k\]: n 16 black so
Pericles [5d\]: white gets influence
(;W[kc]C[Pericles [5d\]: he is more likely to extend
(;W[ic]LB[qc:A]C[EachOne [10k\]: J17 seems good
Pericles [5d\]: j17 is fighting pattern :)
StlenVlr [3d\]: t W is in really good position to fight
Pericles [5d\]: yes
Pericles [5d\]: white is in no immediate danger, as sansan is still open
Pericles [5d\]: he can jump in anytime
Pericles [5d\]: If black ignores, white E17 is severe
Pericles [5d\]: black has no place to make a base
(;B[oc]C[Pericles [5d\]: this kick ?
troll [2d\]: yes
Rzaki0Pak [4k\]: kick make a whote even stronger
Pericles [5d\]: it helps white a lot
musmos [3d\]: its too good for w
;W[nd]C[troll [2d\]: but j17 not too far?
bouteille [8k\]: o16
troll [2d\]: l17 now
Pericles [5d\]: white is very happy to extend O16
StlenVlr [3d\]: It kinda doesn't. O16 is supposed to be a group you can sacrifice
StlenVlr [3d\]: W can't play on both sides of J17
LinuxGooo [16k\]: so how did the play go on ?
(;B[jd]C[Rzaki0Pak [4k\]: k16?
Pericles [5d\]: Black can k16 yes
Pericles [5d\]: but white would approach right side
;W[nq]C[Pericles [5d\]: here, for instance
Pericles [5d\]: by playing tenuki, black wants white to invest all on the left side
jeudi 27 mars 2014
Commented Game - Simple play, efficient play.
Hello go-fellows !
Today, no pictures to come, or no "Title" games to show ( for that, just wait - they'll come tomorrow with the next round of Chunlan Cup).
Recently, I started teaching again. Not that I had stopped at all, but it had been quite irregular since a while.
I was even asked by a player to be his teacher. That's not a title I enjoy much but still, it's always pleasant to get such requests without even asking - and I agreed, as he has a nice-looking "honte" style". He sometimes blunders and all, but that's natural if he never had a teacher to teach him shapes or basics.
In the early 2000, when I started playing go on KGS, the EGR was hardly attended by 200/ 300 players at most. On one hand, there were so few high dans to play each other that it was quite easy to receive teaching games by them. There were no Go schools. Only the top dan players. On the other hand, a few official teachers , Lloyd for instance, still active on kgs, or Neil Moffatt (an author of Go Books which I strongly recommend for every kyu player below 1d) - I can't remember his KGS ID - , or Jim Chambers (aka Osmosis or Morpheus - former admin) who used to run the "Temple of Go Dojo", a room in which he gathered dozens of students to play with, and review their games despite his "meager" 3d or 4d (his own words). That was already so high and unreachable for us, mere ddks. This is where I learnt everything about Go, repeating the same mistakes over and over again, probably hundred of times, without Jim getting "bored" at all. And he would still keep playing, despite our "bad moves", our aborted josekis and our groups perishing.
When he started to teach us all, he used to say "I'm going to teach you all up to dan level - the only thing I request in exchange is that you also teach others in return". I think that's the major lesson I retain from those times.
Today, no pictures to come, or no "Title" games to show ( for that, just wait - they'll come tomorrow with the next round of Chunlan Cup).
Recently, I started teaching again. Not that I had stopped at all, but it had been quite irregular since a while.
I was even asked by a player to be his teacher. That's not a title I enjoy much but still, it's always pleasant to get such requests without even asking - and I agreed, as he has a nice-looking "honte" style". He sometimes blunders and all, but that's natural if he never had a teacher to teach him shapes or basics.
In the early 2000, when I started playing go on KGS, the EGR was hardly attended by 200/ 300 players at most. On one hand, there were so few high dans to play each other that it was quite easy to receive teaching games by them. There were no Go schools. Only the top dan players. On the other hand, a few official teachers , Lloyd for instance, still active on kgs, or Neil Moffatt (an author of Go Books which I strongly recommend for every kyu player below 1d) - I can't remember his KGS ID - , or Jim Chambers (aka Osmosis or Morpheus - former admin) who used to run the "Temple of Go Dojo", a room in which he gathered dozens of students to play with, and review their games despite his "meager" 3d or 4d (his own words). That was already so high and unreachable for us, mere ddks. This is where I learnt everything about Go, repeating the same mistakes over and over again, probably hundred of times, without Jim getting "bored" at all. And he would still keep playing, despite our "bad moves", our aborted josekis and our groups perishing.
When he started to teach us all, he used to say "I'm going to teach you all up to dan level - the only thing I request in exchange is that you also teach others in return". I think that's the major lesson I retain from those times.
As he taught me patience, calm play, "good shapes", among other things, I 'll show you a game played on tygem by one of my favourite players : "Restart(P)" (P) standing for profesionnal on tygem. But you'll see, their play is very easy to understand, very calm, efficient. No trickplay. I always find it admirable to see such easy-looking games when you know how much of reading-freaks they are. His opponent is "cy1115(P)", also professionnal. I don't have informations such as their names or anything, unfortunately.
Lesson this time : You don't have to try too hard to make a good game. Enjoy it !
PW[Restart((P) 9d]PB[cy1115(P) 9d]
;B[lc]LB[nc:A]TR[mc]C[Fierce move. It leaves complications in the top right , at A. Black 's more standard approach would be at N17.]
(;W[gd]C[White extends high. He wants to avoid being flattened / giving black a powerful shape. (see var)]
;W[cc]C[Standard move. I will explain why in a few moves.]
;W[ge]LB[fe:1][gf:2][eg:3]TR[db][bd]C[Black would love to play the exchange 1, 2 and then 3, to secure points in the corner. Unfortunately, that's being blind.
Due to the double hane in the corner by white, black can't expect to gain much. So he plays tenuki.]
;W[nq]LB[qc:C][qd:D][pj:B][ql:A]C[Calm move. No need to rush and pincer yet. The right side / top right is still wide open. White has many options, and black can't defend them all at once.]
(;W[ql]C[Normal invasion. If white played the top right first... see variation.]
;B[oj]LB[om:A][pn:B]C[Solid connection.
Do NOT play the exchange A / B first. It spoils all the corner aji / sansan invasion.]
;W[qc]C[And a calm play again. ]
;B[qp]C[Black takes sente to revive his stone.]
(;W[pn]LB[qr:A]C[Note this calm move again. It's too hard for white to play at A. (see variation)]
;W[mc]C[White takes the big move, threatening to break through.]
(;W[mb]LB[mb:A][ld:B]C[Why, you may ask, does white connect at A instead of pushing at B ? see variation for the explanation.]
;W[dd]C[This is quite an unexpected move, I must say. I would expect a double-hane more ?]
;W[dd]C[Black can't lose the ko. His whole position would crumble.]
;W[rr]C[No choice for black. he has no valid threat on the board.]
;W[sr]C[And white calmy executes his death threat.]
;W[ip]C[White's calm play again. ]
;W[gm]C[White threatens to cut.. ]
;B[io]TR[pn][po][pp][nq][pq]C[but black ignores !
This is extremely agressive. White is strong around. J5 might be an overplay]
;B[dk]TR[cn][dn][en][fn][eo][bp]C[Black defends the marked group by connecting, leaving white the initiative at bottom.
(If you don't see how this connects, see variation)]
;W[ko]LB[kq:A]C[This move is questionnable. Why not A , to deny black his base ? Maybe white let black live, as he didn't feel behind after the bottom right kill ?]
;W[rj]C[White starts yose. S10 is huge.
If black plays it, it is an absolute sente, as it threatens to revive the bottom right group.]
;B[kj]TR[le][jf][kj][oj]C[Black threatens to close the border.]
(;B[rg]C[Necessary. If black ignores... ( see variation)]
;W[mk]LB[kk:B][ml:A]C[ Black kills the stones by playing at A. Yet he pushes at B instead.
First avoid : he wants to avoid the forcing moves as shown in the variation.
Second : he has a better sequence in mind.]
;W[ml]C[White tries to save them.... but here comes black's nasty endgame. Can you guess the sequence to come ?]
;B[mo]C[A strong move ! game-winning move, in fact.
White can't connect the atari (see variations)]
;W[dj]LB[mo:A]C[From here it's just endgame. No further comments.
Hope you enjoyed those players' styles. They played very calmly and peacefully until this game-blowing tesuji at A by black. Wonderful one.]
;B[lm]TR[di][ii][ej][ek][fk][ik][cl][dl][fl][gl][hl][il][dm][gm][gn]C[White is in atari again. Whatever happens from here, white loses his group. ]
(;W[km]C[If he takes this stone...]
;B[mm]TR[di][ii][ej][lj][mj][ek][fk][ik][jk][mk][cl][dl][fl][gl][hl][il][jl][kl][ml][dm][gm][jm][km][gn][jn][kn][ln][ko][lo]C[ The board suddenly becomes full of dead stones !])
(;W[mn]C[If white tries this escape instead]
;B[ll]LB[mm:A]TR[di][ii][ej][ek][fk][ik][jk][cl][dl][fl][gl][hl][il][dm][gm][gn]C[The stones are dead again ! (playing J6 to capture two stones only give one eye), and white needs another move at A to fix.])
;B[in]TR[di][ii][ej][ek][fk][ik][cl][dl][fl][gl][hl][il][dm][gm][gn]C[Whatever white plays results in losing his group. ]))))
;B[ki]C[White gets too many forcing moves. Then he can play O2 and be safe..]))
;W[rg]LB[se:A][si:B]C[White can play it, and connect either at A or B.]))
;B[el]C[The severe move that prevents white from cutting.]
;B[bj]C[White is dead, cutting is abusive.]))
(;W[ld]LB[mb:B][le:A]C[If white keeps pushing, he allows another sente at A for black. By connecting at B instead, A is no longer sente.]))
(;W[qr]C[If white resists somehow, ]
;B[oo]TR[pn]C[There is enough aji for black, using the cut, to kill white.]
;B[rk]C[Black has 4 liberties, White has only 3. Guess who wins the race ?]))
;B[on]C[Black gets to play p6, which is enormous.]))
;B[db]LB[db:A][dd:B]TR[ch]C[Black can play A. The marked stone prevents white from cutting at B.]))
mercredi 26 mars 2014
Commented Game - Chunlan Cup 2014 - Fan Hui 2p vs Cho U 9p
Hello Go-addicts !
Today, I chose to comment on one of the Chunlan Cup games for many reasons. First because it was played by Fan Hui (early this morning - Europe) who is one of our european champions, 2p, and - imo - one of our best KGS Teachers.
He has been living in France since 2000, won plenty of European tourmanents (too many to list them all), won the European Championship 2013, and the list would go 2 pages-long.
He is also the author of "L'âme du Go " (in english : the Spirit of Go") which can be purchased here or read there (for english speakers)
His opponent is no less than Zhang Xu, more famous as "Cho U", 9p from the Nihon-Kiin, also winner of PLENTY of tournaments. You can find the - almost - complete list on senseis.
This game shows how patient and wise a 9p's play is, preparing his attacks from the very beginning of the game in order to kill a quite big group (which he succeeds at). Admirable game, really. Have fun replaying it !
Edit : I was told earlier that it is not easy for everybody to understand chinese. So here is a basic translation of what is said on the websites for which I gave the links below :
首轮赛果: (Résults)
古力(中) 执黑217手中盘胜 金庭贤(韩) Gu Li (Chine) wins by resign - Move 217 - against Kim Jung Hyun
芈昱廷(中) 执黑193手中盘胜 睦镇硕(韩) Mi Yuting (chine) wins by resign - Move 219 - against Mok Jinseok
河野临(日) 执黑293手中盘胜 范廷钰(中) Kono Rin (Japon) wins by resign - Move 293 - against Fan Tingyu (Chine)
唐韦星(中) 执黑219手中盘胜 山下敬吾(日) Tang Weixing (Chine) wins by resign - Move 219 - against Yamashita Keigo (Japon)
村川大介(日) 执黑217手中盘胜 连笑(中) Murakawa Daisuke (japon) wins by resign - Move 217 - against Lian Xiao (chine)
柁嘉熹(中) 执黑167手中盘胜 江鸣久(美) Tuo Jiaxi (chine) wins by resign - Move 167 - against Mingjiang (USA)
张栩(日) 执黑211手中盘胜 樊麾(欧) Cho U (Japon) wins by resign - Move 211 - against Fan Hui (FR)
井山裕太(日) 执白1/4子胜 王元均(中华台北) Iyama Yuta (japon) gagne contre Wang Yuan Jun (Taipei)
Pairings for the next round :
古力(中) VS 李世石(韩) : Gu Li vs Lee Sedol
唐韦星(中) VS 朴廷桓(韩) Tang Weixing vs Park Junghwan
芈昱廷(中) VS 崔哲瀚(韩) Mi Yuting vs Choe Cheolhan
柁嘉熹(中) VS 金志锡(韩) Tuo Jiaxi vs Kim Jiseok
陈耀烨(中) VS 河野临(日) Chen Yaoye vs Kono Rin
时越(中) VS 村川大介(日) Shi Yue vs Murakawa Daisuke
周睿羊(中) VS 井山裕太(日) Zhou Ruiyang vs Iyama Yuta
江维杰(中) VS 张栩(日) Jiang Weiji vs Cho U
Edit : I was told earlier that it is not easy for everybody to understand chinese. So here is a basic translation of what is said on the websites for which I gave the links below :
首轮赛果: (Résults)
古力(中) 执黑217手中盘胜 金庭贤(韩) Gu Li (Chine) wins by resign - Move 217 - against Kim Jung Hyun
芈昱廷(中) 执黑193手中盘胜 睦镇硕(韩) Mi Yuting (chine) wins by resign - Move 219 - against Mok Jinseok
河野临(日) 执黑293手中盘胜 范廷钰(中) Kono Rin (Japon) wins by resign - Move 293 - against Fan Tingyu (Chine)
唐韦星(中) 执黑219手中盘胜 山下敬吾(日) Tang Weixing (Chine) wins by resign - Move 219 - against Yamashita Keigo (Japon)
村川大介(日) 执黑217手中盘胜 连笑(中) Murakawa Daisuke (japon) wins by resign - Move 217 - against Lian Xiao (chine)
柁嘉熹(中) 执黑167手中盘胜 江鸣久(美) Tuo Jiaxi (chine) wins by resign - Move 167 - against Mingjiang (USA)
张栩(日) 执黑211手中盘胜 樊麾(欧) Cho U (Japon) wins by resign - Move 211 - against Fan Hui (FR)
井山裕太(日) 执白1/4子胜 王元均(中华台北) Iyama Yuta (japon) gagne contre Wang Yuan Jun (Taipei)
Pairings for the next round :
古力(中) VS 李世石(韩) : Gu Li vs Lee Sedol
唐韦星(中) VS 朴廷桓(韩) Tang Weixing vs Park Junghwan
芈昱廷(中) VS 崔哲瀚(韩) Mi Yuting vs Choe Cheolhan
柁嘉熹(中) VS 金志锡(韩) Tuo Jiaxi vs Kim Jiseok
陈耀烨(中) VS 河野临(日) Chen Yaoye vs Kono Rin
时越(中) VS 村川大介(日) Shi Yue vs Murakawa Daisuke
周睿羊(中) VS 井山裕太(日) Zhou Ruiyang vs Iyama Yuta
江维杰(中) VS 张栩(日) Jiang Weiji vs Cho U
Cho U (above) , Chunlan Cup 2014, playing vs Fan Hui. (left)
More of Fan Hui's games.
More of Cho U's.
More pictures from the Chunlan Cup 2014
Pairings and results on wikipedia (in chinese only)
or here, on (chinese also)
More pictures from the Chunlan Cup 2014
Pairings and results on wikipedia (in chinese only)
or here, on (chinese also)
GN[10th Chunlan Cup]PW[Fan Hui]PB[Cho U]WR[2P]BR[9P]
(;B[gc]C[It is normal to pincer here. Black has a lot to exploit on the top side.
(see variation to compare)]
;B[cg]C[A new fashion. Modern joseki.]
;W[dd]LB[ce:A]C[Connecting with A "looks" good, but it leads to white getting an ideal shape. In consequence, it's not the right move. (see variation)]
;B[jd]LB[bc:A]C[In this position, there is no thinking. white needs make life in the corner. Allowing black A is unbearable.]
;W[qm]LB[pj:A]C[White extends to the side where Black would like to extend the most (A being the perfect extension for the shimari)]
(;B[fq]C[Pay attention to the side chosen by black to approach here. If he aproached from the other side... see variation.]
;B[dn]C[To avoid being "flat", as shown in the other variation, black double-approaches with a high move.]
;B[cp]LB[fr:A]C[Normal. White is supposed to add a move. The aji of the black stone is enormous.]
;W[ph]C[But White refuses to add an extra move... ( He feels behind ?)]
;B[jq]C[and gets punished immeditaly for it.]
;B[gq]LB[ph:A][oq:B]C[It certainly is a big risk to take, by white. But on the other hand, he got A and B. Let's see how it turns out.]
(;B[er]C[This black connection is not easy to see. At first glance, it looks very soft, but black is not careless. He'd rather connect, leaving K3 behind than jump into a fight he is uncertain about.]
;B[jo]C[A light play.]
(;W[kr]C[White connects ? This move seems extremely slow.]
(;W[qk]C[There is a proverb that says " answer a cap with a knight's move = keima"
R9 might be too patient ?]
(;W[qj]LB[ol:B][rm:A]C[In retrospect, this is possibly a mistake as it allowed forcing moves at A and B]
;B[ss]C[Black gets a Ko. Extremely painful for white.
Note that black has nothing to lose in this area. It was white's place to begin with.]
;W[rq]C[White has no threats left. Must take the ko. ]
;B[mm]LB[mm:A][mo:B]TR[em][hm][fp][gp][hp][hq][iq][ir][kr][js][ks]C[Black uses 2 moves to fix his shape.
Right side reduction is accomplished perfectly. And better than that, the marked group is cut apart and eyeless. Utter success for Black.
White has 35 points on the board. Black has 25 in lower right + big potential on top. White has to inflict severe damage there, without risking his middle group. An extremely hard-to-handle position.]
;B[og]C[Black takes sente to enlarge top, inviting white to jump in. From here and 50 moves onwards, black's target will be the middle group. Pay extra attention as to how he prepares the kill, by creating thickess at top.]
;W[lc]C[Tip : In a dangerous place, play light ! (and expect to have to abandon the tail)]
(;B[nd]LB[nd:B][lf:1][kh:A]C[One would expect black to play at A. But he plays B. Why this slow-looking move ?
One reason : it's a threat to cut white's tail.
Second, it makes points and prevents white from doing any sort of pressure against his corner. (see variation)]
;W[ne]C[White fixes his shape.]
;B[nb]LB[kh:B][oh:A]TR[lb][lc][kd][ld][le][ne][oe][mg]C[Black takes the free points.White's group is not yet alive, if Black plays A. More than than, the move at B is already threatening the center group. ]
;W[nh]C[Tip : Sacrifice technique. Black gives away 2 stones to make thickness in order to attack center.]
;B[hn]C[And there he goes.Very violent move.]
;B[cm]C[Black takes free points again (and denies any descent here) Careful and patient play.
Here white has 62 points (assuming center lives). Black has 63. (all captures included)
If white survives and can destroy black's point, it's still playable. But living alone is pretty tough.]
;B[fk]LB[hl:A]C[Black just defends left side, threatening to steal white's eye at A.]
;B[kj]SQ[kh][mi][kj]C[He fixes another shape, makes sure white has no weakness to exploit.]
;B[mh]SQ[kh][mh][mi][kj]C[And again, with the "table" shape.]
;B[cl]C[Patient move again. Getting rid of all threats.]
;B[fh]C[White resigns.])
(;B[kh]LB[od:A][oe:B][qf:C]C[If black jumps too early, White can force at A or B. And later jump at C (black's corner is not fully alive)]))
(;W[rl]C[Perhaps it would be wiser for white to play s8. It also kills the corner more easily. ]))
;B[qo]C[White is annoyed by this move.]
;B[rm]C[Easy for black to live.])))
(;W[hm]TR[ph][hm]C[It may be not too late to use his strength to attack.
;B[jr]C[White is probably afraid of this.]
;B[jm]C[Very difficult to attack black.])
(;W[kp]C[Black tries to play light ? What about making him heavy bfore connecting below ?]
(;B[iq]C[If black connects here]
;W[er]SQ[ph][qm][oq]C[After white plays sagari (descent), Black is not fully alive yet. And thanks to white stones on the right side, a fight in this area is good for white. Black refuses that.]
;W[lq]C[This would be too good a follow-up for white. At this stage, all black can do is "live". He doesn't have a chance anymore to reduce right side efficiently if he has to care about his group at bottom.]))
;B[bp]C[He can pretty much play "joseki", but black's position on the left is flat.]
;W[cq]LB[ck:A]C[And now there is no good move for black. He should extend at A, but there is already a stone. Broken shape.]
;B[en]C[He would have to find something else, a jump for instance.]
;W[jp]C[And white would get another move at bottom.]))
;W[cb]C[White is not alive at top and won't be free to act if he has to run. Avoid.]))
;W[db]LB[jc:A][cj:B]C[White's shape is perfect. Both sides (A and B) are miai. Black cannot protect protect both and will find himself under attack.]))
;W[kc]LB[kc:A]C[The A stone is perfectly placed to deny any black potential at the top. PIncering makes more sense.]))
mardi 25 mars 2014
Be stronger - Interview with Zeno - European Pro-applicant.
An Interview with Zeno van Ditzhuijen, 5d EGF. (MrZNF on kgs)
Zeno qualified to be a member in the Cego Project, a project which aims at training and helping strongest players from Europe to become pros in the next few years. The level in this league is pretty high (Ilya Shikshin, Cornel Burzo, Jan Simara, Pavol Lisy and other have all qualified for it) and so is the level of competition.
First, if you could introduce yourlsef a bit, that would be great, maybe some players don't know you yet. What's your official egf rank, when did you start learning go ? And you're dutch right ? Work in real life ?
>My name is Zeno van Ditzhuijzen. I am a Dutch, 23 year old 5 dan and I have been playing Go for about 5 years now. I learned the game when I was younger from my father and was lucky enough to have a small local Goclub in another school opposite of my own. I betrayed the Chessclub I was attending to become a member there and did so without regret. Sadly I quit playing after about half a year, but I rediscovered this game when I was 17 by stumbling upon the anime "Hikaru no Go". I remembered I played this game when I was younger and found the Kiseido Go Server to play Go online. Everything went from there. I’ve made a lot of friends, traveled the world, all because of this amazing game. Which to me, has become more than just a game, it has become a part of my life. And I expect it to stay that way.
I am currently unemployed, trying to make a living by teaching go online and going to tournaments. Other than that, I’m trying to learn the Czech language, as my girlfriend is Czech and I’m also learning the basics of programming (html, css, java). But mainly, I’m playing Go and trying to improve.
You made a very fast improvement in the last 4 years or so. I remember you as KGS 12k back then. You got involved in the ASR, as a player and as an admin pretty much. Did that help a lot to improve your Go ?
My involvement in the Advanced Study Room, has of course helped me to improve. However, I think it all depends on the approach of a person. The Advanced Study Room offers a good competitive environment in combination with the reviews offered by the/a stronger player. So if you have the right mindset, and are willing to put in the effort, the Advanced Study Room is a nice place to improve
Is there a professionnal player you enjoy watching (or even replaying ?) in particular ?
I do not enjoy watching/replaying professional games that much, in particular by myself. I don’t get enjoyment out of it somehow. I rather play games and do problems. However, in a group setting I do enjoy replaying, as it becomes possible to discuss moves and positions. I’m bad at studying games by myself and would rather just solve problems. This problem solving craze, is something that has benefited me throughout my Go career, as I have been relatively strong at reading, due to it.
Recently, after my trip to China, I think it is not my only strength anymore. My whole game has caught up and I only need to overcome losing focus near the end of the game. I have been known to crush opponents in a severe way, only to give the game away at the end by making some kind of blunder. If I solve this problem, I feel that I have the potential to become a professional player, at least on a European level.
Do you have a teacher ? (or did you ?) It appears that you won ASR Alpha class a few times, and got rewarded with a free month in Dinerstein "Insei- League on KGS". Please tell us more about this experience ? did it help you correct your weaknesses ?
I’ve had several teachers, including: Koen Pomstra 5d, Su *(Jeff) Yang 6d, In-Seong Hwang 7d, Kim Sung-rae 8p and many other professionals that I’ve met on my trips to China of which most recently Zhao BaoLong 2p.
And now, after all this training, you qualified to be in European-pro project (CEGO) under the guidance of Li Ting 1p and Zhao Baolong 2p. In the league, are there any players you have played against before in an official game ? It is likely to be an hyper-competitive environnement, do you have a plan ? like your fighting skills, reading skills ? What's your major strength ? I won't ask your weaknesses - your opponents might just read and exploit this, hehe :)
Koen taught me the basics when I was still a kyu player. While Jeff taught me to calm down my “unguided missile style”-like play, which helped me reach 3-4d. In-Seong Hwang then gave me back my edge and I reached 5d egf. Now after China, I learned to be even more efficient, by indirectly doing something about positional weaknesses. You cannot simply protect, you have to try and be more efficient by doing something more active. Not giving your opponent time to abuse your weakness and solving the problem along the way. I’ve learned a lot about direction as well, which was my Achilles heel. Now I need to learn how to finish a game, in contrary to always winning by creating an upset. Quite a change.
If you had to give 3 advice to kyu players who want to reach dan level ( or become pro in the late future, or just become stronger ), what would they be ?
My advice to any player that wants to become stronger:
The more serious you are and the more effort you put into becoming stronger, the faster you will improve. Do whatever you enjoy most and you’ll see that improving comes naturally, as you will end up spending a lot of time doing something you love to do. Of course it should be noted that it is necessary to review your own games and be confronted with your own mistakes, but this should come naturally to someone that is eager to improve. Other than that, doing problems, or some other form of reading-practice, is a must. Your reading ability is the engine of your game. If it breaks down, it doesn’t matter how far you’ve traveled, you will lose in the end. Keeping this in mind, I say, Go improve!
Anyway, we wish the best luck in the CEGO League and we are looking forward to seeing MrZNF [1p] in the next year !
Thanks for all your helpful answers !
For lessons with Zeno, you can contact him by email ( zeno131vd[at] ) or on KGS ( MrZNF)
For lessons with Zeno, you can contact him by email ( zeno131vd[at] ) or on KGS ( MrZNF)
You can find below, one of Zeno's latest official games. It was played on March 4th for the European Team Championship event (Belgium vs Netherlands). His opponent is François Gonze, 4d. Commented by myself. Have fun ! (Zeno is Black, wins by 7,5)
GN[European Team Championship Belgium vs Netherlands.]PW[Chmol - François Gonze]PB[MrZNF - Zeno Van Ditzhuijzen]WR[4Peruvian]BR[4Peruvian]DT[2014-03-04]RO[Board 3]PC[IGS-PandaNet]C[Francois Gonze vs Zeno Van Ditzhuijzen (Board 3)
European Team Championship 2014 (March 4th)
Belgium vs Netherlands
Board 1, 2 and 4 were :
B Peter Brouwer (breeze) 6 dan W Lucas Neirynck (Cucurucucu) 4 dan
W Gilles van Eeden (gigago) 6 dan B Jan Ramon (janr) 4 dan
W Ruben Cornelissen (Rubenmc) 2 dan B Nelis Vets (nelis) 1 dan
Netherlands won 4-0. Perfect !]
;W[cq]C[Two sansan : pretty much unusual.]
;B[qk]LB[nq:A]C[Black pincers, serves both to put pressure on R6 and as an extension for the shimari.
Had he answered at A, white would extend on right side and steal the shimari's extension.
It is good for Black. If white doesn't want this happening, he should approach in the middle instead.]
;B[pn]C[Splitting white stones and going out is natural.]
;W[pm]LB[qo:A]C[Black can decide to block at A]
;B[ol]TR[qk][ol][nm]SQ[jp]C[Result slightly better for Black. The marked stones are consistent with upper right shimari. And white still needs at extension at bottom, to avoid being attacked.]
;B[lk]SQ[dd][jd]C[Black optimizes his potential. White has no time to play at bottom now. Black would immediatly k16 or d16, to optimize even more.]
;W[kd]C[White figures and plays the big (and urgent ) point.]
;B[id]SQ[kd]C[If white helps the marked stone immediatly, black J16 and follow-up will grid all of white's potential on the left (see var.)]
(;W[fc]C[Wise move. It's not easy for black to attack L16.]
;W[oe]C[When at a disadvantage : play lightly. ]
;B[nd]LB[od:A]C[Black cannot just block at A. It would be too soft on white. Use thickness to attack.]
;W[lb]LB[kc:A]C[This move is probably a mistake. Leaves a bad aji at A]
;B[dp]C[Black tries to flatten white down : target --> N5]
;B[jp]C[Black finally takes the big point. Vital.]
;B[fp]LB[nq:A]C[This move is not easy to find. It seems reckless, but Black is confident as he can connect at A anytime.]
(;B[nq]LB[pi:A]C[Forced. Black can't keep attacking at A for now (see var)]
;B[dk]C[White cannot cut.]
(;W[ej]SQ[hn][go][ho][gp]C[White is sacrificing the 4 stones. He will use them as a lure, to try to make points in the upper side.]
(;B[fd]LB[ek:A]C[Logically, black reacts. It would be blind to block at A]
;B[cd]C[Black strengthens his top group]
;B[ch]LB[bi:A]C[This move shows black's will to kill, makes a false eye at A.]
;B[jm]LB[im:A][jm:B]SQ[bf][cf][bg][bh][fh][ai][hi][bj][cj][dj][ej][fj][gj]C[White's move earlier, at A was a big mistake.
It allowed black to attack the marked group, and black now finally cuts at B. It may have cost the game.]
;B[kh]LB[mg:B][lh:A]C[Very good endgame move. It is not easy for white to block because of the A / B cut.]
;W[hs]C[This endgame was brilliant. ]
;W[sk]C[Note this endgame tesuji. Black cannot block or he finds himself with a lack of liberties !]
;W[dj]LB[fk:A][hl:B]SQ[dd]C[The black stone in top right would be under severe attack.
A and B are greed.]))
;B[dl]LB[cn:A]C[There is a severe weakness at A
;B[fl]C[Easy for black to contain white.]))
;W[oi]LB[qi:A][ml:B][nq:C]C[There are too many problems.]))
;B[dd]C[There is not much potential left for white on left side.]))
;B[om]C[Another game.]
(;W[qj]C[White may prefer to take the extension immediatly. Approaching the lower hoshi will be pincered.]
;B[kq]LB[pj:A]C[This is one of the multiple standard follow-ups. Black still needs to add a move at A eventually.]))
dimanche 23 mars 2014
Commented game - 4th Merchants Property Cup (2nd Round)
Hello Go-maniacs.
The following game was played yesterday. It's 2nd Round of the 4th Merchants Property Cup. And I'm sure you want to read more about this unfamous tournament - Click the link.
It's opposing Fan Tingyu, 9p - 18 yo and Na Hyun 3p - 19 yo. Fan Tingyu is pretty famous already. He made it from 3 to 9p in just one blow, by winning the Ing Cup 3-1 against Park Junghwan.
Fan Tingyu is certainly more famous, as he won many titles already. But that's not all. For all of you who are regulars on Tygem, there are rumors that Fan Tingyu plays under the name "ddcg".
In the game, here, he was completely outmatched and resigned at move 153 without a single fight happening. At the end, Na Hyun is about 10/12 points ahead, when they reach small endgame stage. Uncatchable - in one word.
By experience - I'm sure other players can confirm - it's very difficult to keep such a "big" lead without fighting at all. At their level, especially.
There are a few things worth remembering from that game. First, pay attention to how Black used his stones in the upper side, as a lure (using sente-looking moves to force white to capture them, and then play larger moves)
Also, pay attention to white's patience. (obviously a little too much), and attention to how he started the reduction in center. I hope you will enjoy it, as much as I did.
Fan Tingyu : 18yo
Rank : 9p
More games of this player can be found here, and there
Fan Tingyu : 18yo
Rank : 9p
More games of this player can be found here, and there
Also, a very detailled article about Fan's games at the Ing Cup.

Na Hyun : 19yo
Rank : 3p
More games here, and there

Na Hyun : 19yo
Rank : 3p
More games here, and there
PW[Fan Tingyu]PB[Na Hyun]WR[9P]BR[3P]DT[2014-03-23]EV[4th Merchants Property Cup, round 2]RE[B+Resign]
;W[on]C[Not a very common joseki anymore.]
;B[qp]LB[qi:B][qo:A]C[If white blocks at A, black will answer at B, a perfect extension from the top and a good pressure move.
As white has no good answer to black R4, he plays patiently, tenuki, and will come back to this area later.]
;B[pm]TR[de][cf]C[Black still thinks, strengthening this right side good was important. Hence he pushes throurh white's shape.
About the black two stones in the top left ? Treat lightly.]
;B[ol]C[Black takes the global initiative.]
(;B[rn]SQ[ok][ol]C[The marked stones have served heir purpose (cut). White has two weak groups, so black takes the time to connect.]
;W[qf]C[White settles, while trying to deny black his own base.]
;W[rc]LB[qc:B][rd:A]C[A very beautiful tesuji. (connects both side)]
;W[rd]LB[lc:A]TR[qc][nd][qd][pe]SQ[pl][on][po]C[The top shape is similar to the one we saw on the right earlier. Note that A is a very big move here again.]
;B[ln]LB[ln:A]C[Black decides to ignore top to take the other big move at. It certainly is worth lot of points (assuming he keeps hem captured)]
;W[qb]C[White doesn't react against white's move at top. Why ?
Preventing white's stones from connection does no good (see Var.)]
(;B[fq]C[He enlarges the bottom instead.]
;B[df]LB[fc:A][cj:B]C[And finally protects his cut, expecting white A, so that he can play B himself. (good shape on left side)]
(;W[hq]C[White finds more urgent to reduce bottom rather than just defend.]
;W[dr]LB[hq:A]TR[fc][cj][dr]C[Note : This exchange is the very same as in the variation earlier.
The (big) difference is that white already has a step in at A.]
;B[hp]TR[mi][ni][oj][mk][ok][ol][hp][jq]C[Black tries to optimize his potential in the center, with a contact move at H4.]
;W[pb]C[White attacks the weakest group on the board. (and takes easy points in the corner)]
(;W[cl]LB[me:A][lf:2][mh:1]TR[lh][ki][jj][ik][hl][gm][fn]C[Why not cut at A, I can hear you say ?
Because black got 2 free moves in the center, which threatens to make huge points.
If we consider this potential border : black may expect 75 / 80 points at bottom
White may expect : 18 in lower left, 15 in top left, and 23 on the right : 56 points overall.
That would be "only" about 25 points to reduce in center, which he seems confident to make.]
;B[oe]LB[nd:A]TR[hk][gl][gm][hn][gp]C[The game goes smoothly.
And we see now clearly that black has a big lead.
He managed to rescue his A group, and also got the opportunity to seal once and for all, the center / bottom.]
;B[ak]C[White resigns.
With a quick counting I get :
White (top right) : 27 (top left) 35 (bottom left )19 ---> Total 81 points :
Black : 93
Even with the komi and captures, it is uncatchable.])
(;W[me]TR[qc][nd][qd][pe]C[If white cuts, he is forced to capture them.]
;W[md]LB[md:B][le:A][fn:C]C[The A / B exchange would still be better for black. And he gets sente for a move around C]
;B[fn]LB[le:A][fn:B]TR[ke][jf][kf][ig][ih][ii][hj][hk][gl][gm][go][ip][jq][jr][js]C[Here let's have a quick counting again :
White (top right) : 36 Bottom left : 18 Top Left : 15 (overall : 69pts)
Black : 94 + some on the left (100+)
So, to put it all up easy : Black gained : 20 points + / White gained 20 points.
Equal ? not really. Black had time to play both A and B, which makes any reduction extremely difficult now.]))
;B[cj]TR[hq]C[there is no real good move for white after that. If he attacks at H3, black can jump to the corner]
(;W[dr]C[If he defends corner somehow, black can jump out, and make the bottom even more solid.
Having the initiative would be too good for black here. It's an unbearable pattern for white.])))
;W[lc]C[Black can still be easily attacked.]))
(;B[mm]LB[rn:A]C[If black tries "too hard", ignoring his own safety, white can connect his stones.]
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